Author Index: F
Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Irrigated Versus Dryland Cropping Systems in the Semi-Arid Prairie.,
First Rotation Yields From Willow Plantations Across an Environmental Gradient in Saskatchewan.,
Simultaneous Measurement of Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Dioxide and Methane Using a Closed-Path Fourier Transform Infra-Red Multi-Component Gas Analyzer.,
Zinc Sorption Onto Meat and Bone Meal (MBM) Char: Taking a Closer Look At a Soil Amendment for in-Situ Metal Remediation.,
Zinc Speciation of a Smelter Contaminated Canadian Boreal Forest Soil: Amendment Application Effect On Speciation Using EXAFS, XRF Mapping and µxanes.,
Belowground Contributions of Field Pea and Canola to Soil Nitrogen Pools and Processes.
Manure Application Rate and Solubilizing Bacteria Influence On Alfalfa Seed Yield and Yield Components in Semi-Saline Soil.,
Response of a New and Commonly Grown Forage Sorghum Cultivars to Limited Irrigation and Plant Density.,
Forage Yield and Quality of Barley-Annual Medic Intercrops: Additive Series.,
Introducing a Laboratory Setup Design for Assessing the Performance of Automated Vacuum Lysimeters.
Arsenic and Silicon Dynamics in Flooded Rice Fields.,
Spatial Heterogeneity in Redox Processes Governing Soil Biogeochemical Cycles.,
Deposition of Heavy Metals From Coal Combustion On Agricultural Lands.,
Mineralogical Hosts of Reactive Arsenic within Reduced Deltaic Soils and Sediments of Southeast Asia.
Using Aerial Imagery in Conjuction with Nitrogen Calibration Blocks for Continuous Monitoring and of Nitrogen Stress.,
Nitrogen and Water Rate Interactions On Corn Growth and Production in Nebraska.,
Yield Target Approaches to Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn.,
Corn Stover Removal Impacts On Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Irrigated Continuous Corn Systems.
Digital Analysis System to Evaluate Peanut Maturity: Predicting Yield and Grade.,
Assessing the Sap Flow and Rooting Characteristics of the Castor Plant (Ricinus communis L.): Developing a Sustainable Cropping System for Florida.,
Land-Preparation Techniques and Weed-Competition Control Strategies for Successful Establishment of Strip-Planted Rhizoma Peanut in Bahiagrass Pastures.,
Land-Preparation Techniques and Weed-Competition Control Strategies for Successful Establishment of Strip-Planted Rhizoma Peanut in Bahiagrass Pastures.,
Comparing Grid and Directed Zone Soil Sampling Schemes for Peanut Production.,
Year-of-Establishment Utilization Options and Second-Year Grazing Management Effects On Strip-Planted Rhizoma Peanut in Bahiagrass Pastures.
Effects of Biosolids Application and Harvest Management On Switchgrass Biomass Production and Biofuel Feedstock Quality.,
Switchgrass Production Across Diverse Environments In the USA: A Regional Feedstock Partnership Report.,
Improving Germination of Native Legumes.,
Effects of Biosolids Application and Harvest Management On Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Biofuel Production Systems.
Determination of Methiozolin Absorption and Translocation Using Herbicide Bioassays and Radio-Labeled Methodology.,
Common Lespedeza (Kummerowia striata) Control within Maintained Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) Turf.,
Response of Suspected Glyphosate-Tolerant Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars to Glyphosate.,
Confirmation of ALS-Inhibiting Herbicide Resistant Annual Bluegrass: Herbicide Response and Genetic Analysis.
The PINEMAP CAP: Mapping the Future of Southern Pine Management in a Changing World.,
Loblolly Pine-Switchgrass Intercropping for Sustainable Timber and Biofuels Production.,
Soil Science Education in a Changing World: How Do We Ensure Students Receive the Education Needed to Address the Issues Facing Society?.,
Uptake Efficiencies of 15n Enriched Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers in a Pinus Taeda L. Stand.,
The Impact of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids and Dissolved Organic Carbon On Microbial Biomass in a Loblolly Pine and Switchgrass Intercropped System.,
The Use of Stable Isotopes to Evaluate the Uptake Efficiency of Applied Nitrogen Fertilizer in Southern Loblolly Pine Plantations.,
Site and Silvicultural Effects On Root Growth and Nutrient Content of 4 Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Clones.,
PINEMAP: Leveraging 50 Years of University-Corporate-Governmental Forestry Research Cooperation.,
Switchgrass Growth in Southern Loblolly Pine Forests Alters Soil Organic C and N Fractions Under Bedded Rows of Pine Trees.
Waterfootprint: A Dynamic, Web-Based Tool for Agricultural System Evaluation and Regional Comparison.,
From Climate Variability to Climate Change: Extension Challenges and Opportunities in the Southeast USA.,
Planting Rate Effects On Establishment of Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Propagated Through Stolons.,
Climate Extension In the Southeast USA: Innovative Ideas to Increase the Climate Literacy of Stakeholders and Develop Adaptation Strategies.,
Engaging Stakeholders in Research for Managing Climate Risks – Lessons From the Southeast Climate Consortium.
Sustainable Water Conservation Through Evapotranspiration Replenishment Regimes, with Wetting Agents and Cultural Practices.,
Comparison of Three Irrigation Regimes and Their Effect On Dollar Spot Disease of Creeping Bentgrass.,
Nitrogen Allocation of Late Fall Applications in Creeping Bentgrass and Poa Annua.
Opportunities and Challenges to Managing the Beneficial Nutrient Silicon in Plant Production Systems.,
Stress-Induced Silicon Accumulation: Are "Low Accumulators" Really "Inducible Accumulators?".,
Elevated Silicon Ameloriates Drought Stress.,
Benefits of Silicon Use in Containerized Crop Production and Challenges to Its Commercial Adoption.
Improvement of Corn Yield and Sensor Reading Relationship with Consideration of Crop Height.,
Comparison of Two Commercial Active Optical Sensors Regarding Their Relationship Between Early-Season Sensor Readings and Final Corn (Zea mays, L) Yield.,
Six Years of Tillage Influenced Soil Carbon Fractions within Corn-Sugarbeet-Soybean Rotation In Silty Clay Soil of North Dakota.
Assessing GHG Contributions in Crop-Cattle-Conifer Connections of Alley Cropping/Silvopasture Systems.,
Environmental Services Derived From Forages and Their Management Systems.,
Production and Environmental Responses from an Integrated Crop-Livestock Study in the Southeastern USA.,
Soil Ecosystem Services: A Task Force Report for a SSSA Position Paper.
Using Wireless-Based Thermal Radiometers for Monitoring Crop Water Use At Maricopa, Arizona.,
Merging GIS, Remote Sensing, and Simulation Modeling for Analyzing Irrigation Water Management Alternatives.,
Next-Generation Platforms for the Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits.,
Expanding the Breeder's Toolbox: The Growing Need for Field-Based Phenotyping Tools.,
Estimating Crop Physiological Traits From Remote Sensing Data Using Inverse Modeling.,
Canopy Reflectance Estimates of Nitrogen Status in Arizona Cool Season Crops.
Use of Nitrification Inhibitors to Reduce N2O Emissions From Southern Pastures.,
Effect of Soil Fertility and Land Use Change On Emission of Nitrous Oxide and Nitric Oxide From Grazed Pasture Soils.,
Effects of Urea Fertiliser Type, Urease Inhibitor (Agrotain), Application Method and Season On Ammonia Loss From Ryegrass.
Carbon Isotype Discrimination and SNP Markers Association in Soybean Genotypes.,
Microbial Community Diversity in Alleys and Tree Rows in a 20 Year Alley Cropping System in North Eastern Missouri.,
Evaluating Yield and N-Removal in Sorghum Grown for Biofuel.,
Evaluating Root Architecture and Drought Tolerance in Soybean.,
Genotype by Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis for Carbon Isotope Discrimination, Ureide Concentration and Nitrogen Fixation in Soybean.,
Influence of Micronutrients On Soybean Yield.,
A Comparison of Annual and Perennial Biomass Cropping Systems for Fuel and Feed.,
Impact of Poultry Litter and N Fertilizer On Microbial Diversity in Soybean Fields in Central Missouri.
Accelerating Wheat Breeding with Next-Generation Sequencing and High-Throughput Phenotyping.,
Cytoplasmic Effect of Wheat for High Temperature Tolerance.,
Studying Post Anthesis Heat Tolerance in Wheat and Mapping QTLs for Related Traits.,
Understanding and Utilizing Genetic Diversity in Wheat Breeding.