Author Index: N
Harvest Management Effects On Yield, Composition, and Nitrogen Dynamics of Perennial Bioenergy Grasses.,
Land-Preparation Techniques and Weed-Competition Control Strategies for Successful Establishment of Strip-Planted Rhizoma Peanut in Bahiagrass Pastures.,
Land-Preparation Techniques and Weed-Competition Control Strategies for Successful Establishment of Strip-Planted Rhizoma Peanut in Bahiagrass Pastures.
Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity Through Conservation Agriculture in Mali, Western Africa.,
Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity Through Conservation Agriculture in West Africa.,
Applying Multiple Crop Models for Assessing Climate Change Impact: The Devil Is in the Detail.,
Effects of Soil and Water Management Practices On Crop Productivity in West Africa.
Effects of No-Tillage and Diverse Cropping Systems On Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration.,
Green House Gas Emissions Influenced by No-Tillage and Chisel Tillage Under Drainage and Non-Drainage Systems.,
The Carbon Balance of No-till Agroecosystems - A Chronosequence Analysis.,
Comparison of Green House Gas Fluxes Monitored with Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatograph.
Comparison of Growth Characteristics and Functional Properities of Amaranthus Species According to the Different Varieties in South Korea.,
Study On Reduction of Acrylamide in Potato Chips for Korean Varieties.,
Differential Sensitivity of Rice Cultivars to HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides and Their Influences On Rice Yield.
Effect of Managed Subsurface Drainage and Polymer-Coated Urea On Nutrient Loss From a Silty Clay Soil in Corn Production.,
Corn Hybrid Response to Water Management Practices On Claypan Soil.,
Soybean Cultivar Response to Subsurface Drainage and Subirrigation in Northeast Missouri.,
Enhanced Efficiency Phosphorus Application for a Corn-Soybean Rotation.
Molecular Characterization of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Accessions From a Genepool: Application of Gamma Ray Radiations.,
Molecular Analysis of White Birch (Betula papyrifera) Populations From Limed and Metal Contaminated Sites in the Greater Sudbury (Ontario) Region.,
Long Term Effects of Liming On Soil and Plant Chemistry in Stressed Areas of a Mining Region.
Do Tillage Treatments Affect the Relationship Between Gas Fluxes and Soil Thermal Properties?.,
Distribution of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in a Corn and Soybean Field.,
Does Proximity of a Field to a Highway Affect Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Soil?.,
Soil Carbon Fractions and Plant Biomass At Busby Forest.,
Mapping Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrients in a Corn and Soybean Field.,
Soybean Yield Response to Soil Properties.,
Relationship Between Plant Biomass and Gas Flux At Busby Forest.,
Soybean Yield Response to Soil Properties.,
Distribution of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in a Corn and Soybean Field.,
Monitoring Greenhouse Fluxes and Soil Thermal Properties in a Central Missouri Corn Field From 2004 to 2008.,
Accounting for Barriers in the Quantification of CO2, CH4, N2O and C-Stocks in a Central Missouri Forest.,
Monitoring Greenhouse Fluxes and Soil Thermal Properties in a Central Missouri Soybean Field Over 5 Years – 2004-2008.,
Effect of the Spatial Variability of Fluxes On Total Field Greenhouse Gases Emissions.,
Soil Thermal Properties of Peat Based Media Amended with Organic Fertilizers and Grown to Three Vegetables.,
Relationship Between Plant Biomass and Gas Flux At Busby Forest.,
In Season Corn Yield Prediction Using Corn Growth Parameters in a Conventional till and No till System.,
Distribution of Micronutrients At Various Depths in a Central Missouri Corn and Soybean Field.
Field Scale Variation In Water Dispersible Colloids From Intact Soil Samples and Aggregates: Method Comparison and Relevance for Leaching Risk Mapping.,
Linking Air and Water Transport In Intact Soils to Macro-Porosity by Combining Laboratory Measurements and X-Ray Computed Tomography.,
Field Scale Variation In Water Dispersible Colloids From Intact Soil Samples and Aggregates: Method Comparison and Relevance for Leaching Risk Mapping.
Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Furrow-Irrigated Corn in Arkansas.,
The Relationship Between Mehlich-3 Soil Test Indices and Leaf Nutrient Concentrations of Irrigated Soybean.,
Influence of Poultry Litter On Inorganic Soil N Concentrations and Rice Yields.,
Influence of Poultry Litter On N-Star Soil Test Values.,
Nitrogen Soil Testing for Rice Grown On Clayey Soils: Development of N-STAR Correlation and Fertilizer Calibration Curves.,
Quantifying Nitrogen Availability From Crop Residue Using N-Star.
Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopic Determination of the Bonding Configuration of Orthophosphate Surface Complexes of Phosphate At the Goethite/Water Interface.,
Surface Loading and Time Effects On Phosphorus Sorption Mechanism Examined by Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy At the Goethite/Water Interface.
Social Networks and Smallholder Conservation Agriculture In East Africa.,
Conservation Agriculture for Smallholder Farms In Eastern Uganda and Western Kenya.,
GHG Emissions and Soil C and N Dynamics Following the First Plowing of Long-Term No-till Fallow in Dryland Winter Wheat.,
Labile Pool Soil Organic Matter Response to Transition to Organic and Reduced Input Management in Irrigated Crop and Forage Production.,
Effects of Treating Animal Bones with Coffee Wastewater On Crop Growth and Phosphorus Nutrition in Clay and Loam Soils of Ethiopia.,
Development and Transfer of Conservation Agriculture Production Systems (CAPS) for Small-Holder Farms in Eastern Uganda and Western Kenya.
Development of an Australian Soil Test Calibration Database.,
Nitrogen Dynamics in Grain Crop and Legume Pasture Systems Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide: A Meta-Analysis.,
Does Phosphorus Stimulate the Effect of Elevated Carbon Dioxide On Growth and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Grain and Pasture Legumes?.
Conservation Agriculture for Smallholder Farms In Eastern Uganda and Western Kenya.,
GHG Emissions and Soil C and N Dynamics Following the First Plowing of Long-Term No-till Fallow in Dryland Winter Wheat.,
Development and Transfer of Conservation Agriculture Production Systems (CAPS) for Small-Holder Farms in Eastern Uganda and Western Kenya.,
Water Use and Water Productivity of Dryland Winter Wheat in the High Plains Ecoregion of Wyoming.
Low-Temperature Biochar Affects an Eroded Calcareous Soil.,
Biochars Impact On Phosphorus and Potassium Release Into Soil and Water Leachates.,
Analysis of Nitrogen Cycling Genes in Biochar-Amended Soils.,
Influence of Corn Stover Harvest On Soil Quality Assessments At Multiple Locations Across the U.S.