ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community

By-product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture Community

Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems Community

Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Oral Session Agricultural Practices to Improve Nitrogen-Use Efficiency and Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission: I
Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Presider: Hero T. Gollany

Oral Session Symposium--Climate Change Impacts on Soil Carbon: Understanding and Estimating the Extent and Rates of Reactions, Processes, Interactions and Feedbacks
Organizers: Nik Qafoku , Samira Daroub , Thomas Borch , Zamir Libohova , Aaron Thompson , Markus Tuller , Mary E. Stromberger , Gurpal S Toor and Saseendran Anapalli
Presiders: Nik Qafoku and Samira Daroub

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Oral Session Symposium--Animal Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizers: Kari Dunfield and April B. Leytem

Oral Session Environmental Quality: I
Presider: Kurt A. Spokas

By-product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture Community

Oral Session By-Product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture: I
Community Leader: Arthur L. Allen
Organizer: Arthur L. Allen
Presider: Mark S. Reiter

Oral Session Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing, ISR U Mining, and Alternative Energy Production: Oral Presentations
Organizers: Thomas Borch , Jens Blotevogel , Thomas M. DeSutter , Theodore A. Hartsig and Amrita Bhattacharyya
Presider: Thomas Borch

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Oral Session Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture: I
Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Presiders: Liwang Ma and Curtis J. Dell

Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community

Oral Session Biochar: Available Methods for Their Basic and Advanced Characterization
Community Leader: Jeffrey M. Novak

Oral Session Symposium--Effects of Nutrient Cycling in Urban Grassland Soils on Soil and Water Quality
Organizers: Gregory K. Evanylo , Douglas J. Soldat , A. Martin Petrovic , James Goatley Jr. and Gurpal S Toor
Presider: Gregory K. Evanylo

By-product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture Community

Poster Session By-Product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture: II
Community Leader: Arthur L. Allen
Organizer: Arthur L. Allen
Presider: Mark S. Reiter

Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community

Poster Session Environmental/Agronomic Uses of Biochars
Community Leader: Jeffrey M. Novak

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Poster Session Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Oral Session Agricultural Practices to Improve Nitrogen-Use Efficiency and Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission: II
Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Presider: Maysoon M. Mikha

Oral Session Symposium--Recent Advances in Watershed-Scale Modeling
Organizers: Kurt A. Spokas , David E. Radcliffe and Glenn V. Wilson
Presiders: David E. Radcliffe and Glenn V. Wilson

Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community

Oral Session Progress on the Mississippi River Nutrient Reduction Strategy: I
Community Leader: D. Keith Reid
Organizer: D. Keith Reid
Presider: John J. Sloan

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Oral Session Agriculture and Land Management Impacts on Soil Carbon Processes: I
Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Presiders: Upendra M. Sainju and Umakant Mishra

Oral Session Symposium--Contaminants in Urban Soils: Current State of Science
Organizer: Ganga M. Hettiarachchi
Presider: Ganga M. Hettiarachchi

Global Digital Soil Map Community

Oral Session Symposium--Digital Soil Maps and Models to Assist Decision Making for Regional and Global Issues: I
Community Leader: Jonathan W. Hempel
Organizer: James A. Thompson
Presider: Jonathan W. Hempel

Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community


By-product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture Community

Oral Session Symposium--Science behind a Soil Conservation Practice Standard for Soil Amendments
Community Leader: Arthur L. Allen
Organizer: Arthur L. Allen
Presider: Arthur L. Allen

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Oral Session Controlling Bugs & Drugs
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizer: Ed Topp
Presider: Ed Topp

Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems Community

Oral Session Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems - Innovations and Challenges: I
Community Leader: Thomas B. Moorman
Organizer: Thomas B. Moorman
Presider: Thomas B. Moorman

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Oral Session General Animal Agriculture & the Environment: I
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Presider: Xiying Hao

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Poster Session Environmental Quality: II (includes student poster competition)
Presider: Kurt A. Spokas

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Poster Session General Animal Agriculture & the Environment: II
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Presider: Robert S. Dungan

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community

Poster Session Nutrients and Environmental Quality: I
Community Leader: D. Keith Reid
Organizer: John J. Sloan
Presider: John J. Sloan

By-product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture Community

Oral Session Business Meeting--By-Product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture Community
Community Leader: Arthur L. Allen
Presider: Arthur L. Allen

Oral Session Symposium--Soil Change: Agronomic, Ecological, and Pedologic Process Measurements and Modeling: Title: I
Organizers: Candiss O. Williams and Bianca Moebius-Clune
Presider: Daniel deB. Richter

Oral Session Symposium--Organic Molecule Interactions with Mineral Surfaces As Key Regulators of Soil Processes: I
Organizers: Owen Duckworth , Peter Nico , Alan T. Stone and Aaron Thompson
Presiders: Owen Duckworth , Peter Nico , Alan T. Stone and Aaron Thompson

Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community

Oral Session Progress on the Regional P Index Conservation Innovation Grants
Community Leader: D. Keith Reid

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Oral Session Innovations in Sustainable Resource Use for Tomorrow: The Role of Aquaculture and Animal Agriculture
Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizers: Senorpe Asem-Hiablie and Clinton D. Church

Oral Session Business Meeting--Environmental Quality Section
Organizer: Kurt A. Spokas
Presider: Kurt A. Spokas

Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community

Oral Session Business Meeting--Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Community Leader: Daniel N. Miller
Presider: Daniel N. Miller

Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community

Oral Session Business Meeting--Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community
Community Leader: D. Keith Reid
Presider: D. Keith Reid

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community

Oral Session Business Meeting--Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Presider: Jane M-F Johnson

Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community

Oral Session Business Meeting--Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community
Community Leader: Jeffrey M. Novak
Presider: Jeffrey M. Novak

Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems Community

Oral Session Business Meeting--Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems Community
Community Leader: Thomas B. Moorman
Presider: Thomas B. Moorman